Hope in Christ Romania Ministries
Hope in Christ Ministries – is nothing more than the confession of Heaven towards humanity which declares and states: “There is salvation in none but the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12)”.
The purpose of the Church is simple and clear – to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10).
In a hopeless and faithless generation, where the hearts of many have turned from their Creator and have given themselves to the pleasures and lures of the world, we believe that Jesus Christ is the same as He was 2000 years ago, moved with compassion and mercy to bring a solution to the lost, broken, bound, and held captive under the powers of sin and darkness.
Hope in Christ Ministries is a tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit, having as its main goal to engrave in the hearts of the people the understanding that God still cares, loves, and wants to readmit and reinstate all who come to Him in sincerity and repentance of life, back in their original position in which they were created.
It is not about the messenger but the unchanging message. It’s not about the miracles but the Miracle worker. It’s not about the man, but the Maker. It’s all about JESUS Christ. The eternal message of our Lord Jesus Christ will last forever, even in the face of life’s uncertainties.